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Plant Photo 1
Sweet Garlic
Tulbaghia simmleri

Plant Type:  herb
Height:  16 inches
Spread:  18 inches
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A fast growing, clumping plant with narrow, strap like leaves that smell strongly of garlic when bruised; sweet smelling lilac...

Plant Photo 2
White Sweet Garlic
Tulbaghia simmleri 'Alba'

Plant Type:  herb
Height:  16 inches
Spread:  18 inches
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A fast growing, clumping plant with narrow, strap like leaves that smell strongly of garlic when bruised; sweet smelling white...

Plant Photo 3
Society Garlic
Tulbaghia violacea

Plant Type:  herb
Height:  16 inches
Spacing:  12 inches
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A fast growing, clumping plant with narrow, strap like leaves that smell strongly of garlic when bruised; lovely lilac colored...

Plant Photo 4
Silver Lace Variegated Society Garlic
Tulbaghia violacea 'Silver Lace'

Plant Type:  herb
Plant Height:  12 inches
Flower Height:  18 inches
Spacing:  16 inches
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A highly ornamental variety featuring blue-green foliage with white stripes along the margins giving the plant a silvery...

Plant Photo 5
Tricolor Variegated Society Garlic
Tulbaghia violacea 'Tricolor'

Plant Type:  herb
Plant Height:  12 inches
Flower Height:  24 inches
Spacing:  18 inches
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A very ornamental variety with variegated pink, green, and white foliage that has a garlic odor and can be used in salads and...

Plant Photo 6
Variegated Society Garlic
Tulbaghia violacea 'Variegata'

Plant Type:  herb
Plant Height:  14 inches
Flower Height:  20 inches
Spacing:  16 inches
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A very ornamental variety with variegated green and white foliage that has a garlic odor and can be used in salads and cooking;...

Plant Photo 7
Common Valerian
Valeriana officinalis

Plant Type:  herb
Plant Height:  18 inches
Flower Height:  3 feet
Spread:  18 inches
Sunlight:  shade to full sun

Common Valerian has masses of beautiful lightly-scented white flowers at the ends of the stems in early summer, which are most...

Plant Photo 8
Common Ginger
Zingiber officinale

Plant Type:  herb
Height:  4 feet
Spread:  4 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade

A root spice that is consumed worldwide for culinary and medical purposes; long elegant leaves unfurl from pseudostems and arch...



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